An Eclectic Economist Explains Evidentiary Economics

Economics based on evidence rather than ideology and ignorance.

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Dr. Doug Cardell - Economist


Welcome! If you’re confused about economics, we feel your pain. Reading the news regarding the economy can seem like watching a tennis match between two perfectly matched opponents. The ball goes back and forth and back and forth and nothing ever gets resolved. This happens because the skilled players on both sides are basing their economic arguments and policy proposals on ideology and ignorance rather than following the evidence. This website will point out what the evidence indicates and set the record straight.

Brief Bio:

Dr. Doug Cardell is an economist and economic policy expert. He is a USAF veteran and has served as an aide to a Member of Congress, been a corporate CEO, been an award winning educator, a consultant to the Arizona Department of Education in several capacities, and a Professor of Mathematics. His areas of expertise include economics, economic policy, mathematical modeling and system dynamics modeling. He holds advanced degrees and certificates from the University of Arizona, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Phoenix as well as a PhD in Economic Policy from Liberty University. His expertise in economics both from a theoretical and practical standpoint, coupled with his expertise in mathematics and modeling, combined with high success as an educator make him uniquely qualified to explain economics and evaluate economic systems and ideas.

His articles, which you can access on the right side menu, tackle basic economic truth that is often ignored as well as current hot button issues. Every day we will feature one of these articles below. They all have a comments section and Dr. Cardell would love to read your thoughts about the articles.

What Is Economics?

by Dr. Doug Cardell

Economics is the study of choices. Every decision anyone has ever made or ever will make is an economic decision. Most people think economics is about money, but it’s much more than that. Economics in more formal terms, is the study of the most effective use of finite resources with alternative uses. That is, it's about efficiency; how to get the greatest advantage from the limited resources you have available. True, money is a limited resource, but so are time and material assets and reputation and joy. Every time you make a decision you are evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of trading one thing for another.

For example, a choice between taking a walk after dinner and watching television is an economic decision even though no money or things are involved. Taking a walk may improve one’s health; it may enhance one’s sense of well-being but watching television may take one’s mind off the day’s problems or entertain one or let tired feet rest. Either way, a resource will be used up, your time. In fact, time may be your most precious resource since it is totally non-renewable. Therefore, your decision about how to spend your evening is an economic decision because you are seeking the most effective use of a finite resource that has alternative uses. It is about choice.

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